FAQs About Julia Barriga M.D P.A. in Tampa, FL
If you have any questions regarding our services, opening hours, and scheduling an appointment feel free to ask. Read our FAQs to learn more about our services and terms. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or request an appointment online.
Table of Contents:
What days/hours is Julia Barriga M.D P.A. open?
Where is Julia Barriga M.D P.A. located?
Does Julia Barriga M.D P.A. accept insurance?
Is Julia Barriga M.D. P.A. open 24/7?
Does Julia Barriga M.D. P.A. offer same-day appointments?
We are open 6 days a week: Mon – Thu 8:00am – 5:00pm, Fri 8:00am – 1:00pm, Sat 9:00am – 1:00pm. (Call Ahead to Make an Appointment) Saturday, Evening appointments and After Hours
It is located at 5001 East Busch Blvd Tampa, FL 33617.
Yes, We accept insurance Contact us for more details.
Yes, Julia Barriga M.D. P.A. is open 24/7 to assist with minor emergencies. Our night staff is available at all hours to ensure you get the care you need.
Yes, we offer same-day appointments at Julia Barriga M.D. P.A. Please contact us to schedule a time that works for you.